The GYRO IPT-II offers a highly versatile dynamic flight simulation platform capable of creating an authentic flight visual and motion environment, supporting spatial disorientation and aviator physiology training relevant to flying operations.
The GYRO IPT-II offers a highly versatile dynamic flight simulation platform capable of creating an authentic flight visual and motion environment, supporting spatial disorientation and aviator physiology training relevant to flying operations.
The motion platform is capable of precise motion cueing and aircraft attitude representation, with the turntable stationed under the base allowing a steady continuous yaw rotation independent of cockpit motion.
During simulated flight, a pilot can experience a variety of real-world disorienting illusions while maintaining full, closed loop control of the simulation before, during and after the disorienting illusion. This capability creates a fully interactive learning environment because the pilot must maintain control of the simulator and fly through the illusion to a successful resolution during training.
The GYRO IPT-II's software allows for variety of meteorological and day/night conditions, nominal aircraft and emergency procedures (including autorotations, spin, stall, and unusual attitudes), and interactive spatial disorientation training profiles to be easily selected or custom programmed.
The GYRO IPT-II consistently duplicates situational awareness (SA) and spatial disorientation (SD) illusions experienced in flight, but in a safe and controlled environment.
Instructor is able to task student in a variety of ways through the interactive motion profile editor.
Turnkey automated startup for easy daily runs saves time and gets your students training right away.
Quick change reconfigurable cockpit for both fixed wing and rotary wing and includes an NVG-compatible cockpit.
We want to share our fifty years of experience and current trends to find the best solution that meets or exceeds your critical training objectives.
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